What your donations would be used for

Credit:Google images

Radio programmes
Donate 2000NGN or 5.00USD
One of the quickest ways to raise awareness of mental health and mental illnesses among servicemen, police and their families is through radio programme. Your donation would help fund radio programmes for our troops in the North East of Nigeria. This could be particularly helpful to keep them mentally stable and take precautionary steps to look after their mental health

Training programmes of Community Mental Health First Responders
Donate 5000NGN or 10.00USD
It has been identified that there are insufficient clinical psychologists and psychiatrists in Nigeria as such, our organisation seeks to bridge the gap by training and upskilling spouses of serving Military personnel and Police officers to be able to provide first-line support to members of their communities. As we know security personnel are prone to developing mental illnesses as a result of their frequent exposure to traumatic occurrences so having mental health first aiders readily available is invaluable

Free counselling for Security personnel and their families (Police, Military and some ParaMilitary
Donate 5000NGN or 10.00USD
One of the reasons why some persons fail to access care is the high cost of psychotherapy and other forms of psychological services. Your donations would be used to pay qualified clinical psychologists who would be able to provide psychotherapy services either over the phone or face-to-face. Spouses and dependants would hugely benefit from these services
Credit:Google images

Other Ways to Donate
1. Click the "Donate Now" button at the top of the page. You will be redirected to a secure payment gateway
2. Direct bank transfer
Kindly use the bank details below
Our Nigerian Naira Account details are
Account Name: The Support Nest Initiative
Account Number: 0510040973 (Naira)
​​​Bank Name: The Alternative Bank\Sterling Bank
Our USD Account details are
Account Name: The Support Nest Initiative​
Account Number: 0510190098 (Dollar)
Bank Name: The Alternative Bank\Sterling Bank